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Thoughtful Learning Releases In Focus

In Focus: Improving Social and Emotional Intelligence, One Day at a Time is a teacher resource filled with daily lessons to help the whole child.

In Focus: Improving Social and Emotional Intelligence, One Day at a Time is a teacher resource filled with daily lesson to help the whole child. Lessons focus on safety (the brain stem), emotion and motivation (the limbic system), and thinking (the cortex). In just minutes a day, teachers can help their students to . . .

  • feel safe and ready to learn,
  • behave in positive and constructive ways,
  • manage and express emotions responsibly,
  • gain focus and improve attention,
  • reduce stress and calm themselves,
  • eliminate bullying and impulsive behavior,
  • elevate their self-esteem and confidence,
  • improve teamwork and collaboration,
  • become healthier and more responsible,
  • develop intellectually and academically, and
  • gain the social skills that employers seek.

Author Thomas McSheehy, MSW, LSW, is a licensed social worker who taught elementary school for 21 years. Find out more.