Asking Deep Questions

Questions can move you to deeper and deeper levels of thinking on Benjamin Bloom’s taxonomy of thought. The chart below begins with questions that seek simple facts and ends with those that seek deep realities and possibilities.

Levels of Thinking

One Student’s Questions

To remember, ask about facts.

  • Who was involved?
  • What happened?
  • Where did it take place?
  • When did it happen?

DNA Replication

Who/what is involved in DNA replication?

What is DNA replication?

Where does DNA replication occur?

When/how often does it occur?

To understand, ask about meaning.

  • Why did it happen?
  • What does it mean?
  • How does it connect to other things?

DNA Sequencing

Why does DNA form a double helix?

What does DNA sequencing mean for biological inheritance?

How is DNA sequencing used in forensic science?

To apply, ask how to use ideas.

  • What can I do with this idea?
  • How can I use it?
  • When should I use this?

Forensic Science

What DNA testing technique could I use to simulate a crime-scene investigation?

How can I simulate a crime-scene investigation using forensic DNA analysis?

To analyze, ask about the parts.

  • What are the parts?
  • How do they fit?
  • Why do they work?
  • What is their purpose?


What are dominant and recessive genes?

How do dominant and recessive genes relate to heredity?

Why do dominant genes mask recessive genes?

What is the purpose of genes?

To evaluate, ask about quality.

  • What is the value of this?
  • Will it fulfill its purpose?
  • Could it be made more effective?
  • Would other ideas help?

Forensic Science

Of what value is DNA fingerprinting?

Will DNA fingerprinting solve more crimes?

Could it be improved?

Would other forensic techniques complement DNA fingerprinting?

To create, ask about making something.

  • Could I make something new?
  • Should these things combine?
  • How can I use something in a new way?


What can I make with this information?

How can I combine/arrange it to produce a unique report/presentation/video/invention?

Additional Resources